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Showing posts from September, 2019

September Student Spotlight- Nick

This month we're talking about Nick Yehl. He's been with the Academy for a few years and has quickly rose up the ranks. He's currently an Adherent of Form V, and regularly competes in tournaments. Not only is he formidable with a saber, he can also make a mean waffle. As is now his tradition to make waffles for everybody at our Fight Camps (if he's attending).   How did you first learn about ILA? I had just moved to Indy and was looking for soemthing to do so I could go out and meet people. I had a couple of combat able lightsabers and thought that there had to be people meeting with these things. So I literally typed in the words Indianapolis Lightsaber into Facebook and there was ILA right at the top. How long have you been coming to class? A little over 2 years. What is your favorite thing about ILA? The people. I have made some amazing friends through ILA.  If you could give a newb some advice when they first start, what...