To take a break from my long breaks of writing content. I thought I'd do something a little different today. Think Madlibs, but with less rules and no coherent story. Thanks to the dedicated students of Indy Lightsaber Academy, here are "20 thoughts we all have during lightsaber class". Using only gifs posted by students that have no clue what I wanted the gifs for... 20. When the Headmaster realizes you're making a post like this When I could be writing the follow up Form post. 19. Better squeeze some last minute practice at home... Probably a good thing you're coming to class. 18. When half the class posts they won't be there Your cat or car won't start. 17. But they show up anyway The allure of illuminated weapons was just too great. 16. And now it's time for warm ups Exercise? 15. What you think you look like during Sally Up How hard can this be?