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The Media History of Indy Lightsaber Academy

For this post I'm going to recap a lot of our media coverage that we've had since 2015. You can tell we were pretty popular around the time of The Force Awakens opening. Not that we're not still popular. But we were the go-to group for a lot of things Star Wars related.

So enjoy the trip down memory lane and catch up on your ILA history.
(please note that it is not in chronological order)

Indy with Kids

Indy with Kids was one of the first people to do a story about us. At that time we were hardly a group and were just starting out. It was also the first time that I met the famous D list Indianapolis celebrity Leilan McNally (also see Leland).

These are good people. You should check out their site.

Indy Lightsaber Academy Celebrates Their Third Year

In May 2018, Rtv6 came out to do a story about our third birthday and shot a pretty cool video. Check it out for the most recent coverage and some good interviews.

Students Spar at Indy Lightsaber Academy
December 2016, Indy Star came out to do a story about us. This was also a few days after Carrie Fisher died. While we weren't holding a candle light vigil, it definitely did make for a somber mood. But if we've learned anything from that amazing woman. I doubt she'd want a bunch of people with light sticks feeling bad for themselves.

The Star Wars Workout is Upon Us

I'd like to preface this entry by saying we had only been a group for approximately 6 months officially. That being said, it's still crazy that we were featured on GQ. Yeah check the link, that's GQ.
In my opinion this story was significant not just because it was a well written article. But it's also the time Michael Tucker publicly called out the fight choreography on Schmame of Schmones. Which is such a Michael thing to do.


If you've ever been to Johnson County you probably know about the Daily Journal. They came out in July 2016 to do some coverage on us. Plus at that time we were still in the Circle City Industrial Complex, which had "character", if you had to name a positive or two.

Moving on.

Channeling the Force at Indy Lightsaber Academy
It seems like July is always a good time to write something about us. But Fox 59 didn't just write about us, THEY SENT SHERMAN. I'd also like to thank the theater on the square (or now the District Theater for letting us use their space for the segment).

A Brief History of Treating Lightsaber Combat as a Real Martial Art
This one kinda came out of nowhere. But it was essentially a list of lightsaber schools that featured some form of lightsaber combat. We were pretty pysched to be included on a list of that sort. Even the author mentions we were pretty new to the game.
Dec 21, 2015

Couple Surprise Wedding Guests with Epic Lightsaber Battle
You never know what'll happen meeting people at a convention. Apparently this sweet couple participated in a tournament we hosted at a convention. From there they decided to include lightsabers in their wedding dance. Needless to say this story took off and was featured everywhere. I believe our name was eventually taken out of reposted articles. But still, that's some butterfly effect stuff right there.

Greenfield Man Leads Lightsaber Lessons

Not long after our debut did Michael's hometown of Greenfield give him some recognition. While the article itself was pretty good. This story is also notable for providing us all these super awesome pictures of Michael. I mean come on, look at that.

Indy Lightsaber Academy to Hold its First Ever Lightsaber Tournament in August

Here's our most recent coverage of our International Tournament in August. However I'd make a few slight changes with the title. As we've technically held many different tournaments in Indy. But this will be our first Invitational tournament, as opposed to an open format we usually use. You could also call it "Indy Lightsaber Academy's first professional tournament".

Lightsaber Training at KPL

Over the summer I drove up to Kendallville (past Fort Wayne) to teach a lightsaber class for their library. During the event I was asked "You really drove all this way to teach for an hour?". To which I replied "Well the way I look at it, is that I was able to teach 30 kids for an hour. So to drive a few hours to provide almost 30 hours of enjoyment is well worth it."

The Nerdiest Nerds Debate 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Big Reveal
Before the release of The Last Jedi, I was asked to predict what I thought was going to be the big reveal in the movie. And of course I was flattered at being considered one of the biggest nerds in Indy. And not to brag or anything, but I still think my prediction was one of the most accurate. Notice also that the article also featured the Indy's finest D-list celebrity, Leilan McNally.

Lightsaber Competition comes to Indy
Listen, I'll never get tired of being on the news. This story was from our annual December Tournament in 2017. As you might have guessed, it was heavily tied into the new movie coming out as well. This was also the first time we were able to introduce the people at the Irsay Family YMCA at Cityway. Featured in the video is our main man Eric. Even though he's not into lightsabers, he saw the potential in us hosting classes there.

So there you have it. Almost 3 years worth of news stories. We've been extremely proud of what we've accomplished over that time. And looking back at a lot of these stories, it has always been less about us and more about our community. Everyone who has came to class, or reached out to us for a story takes away something different.  We're not just a lightsaber school or a fan tribute to a franchise. We're the collective imagination of generations realizing a dream. Even if lightsabers aren't your thing, maybe a bunch of people learning sword fighting can inspire you to find your passion.

Maybe the force should be with you all.


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